
Wednesdays with Lois

Inspired by Renée's Wednesday Busk; "Someone who busks does it alone, lays themself on the line - their purpose might be to entertain or present a certain view, to get some money for food, sometimes a mixture of all. Busking has an expectation of short term interest, you need to pare the words down to the most important, repeat them. In the written context, a weekly busk should amuse or inform (hopefully both), or make someone think about a subject they haven't thought about before.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Conversations at the dinner party (W.W.L.)

For the first couple of hours, the conversation flowed easily. It wasn’t the awkward Pākehā BBQ Lois had been expecting.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Leaving is always about finding

Wednesdays with Lois (Hat tip to Renee's WednesdayBusk - with a single recommended busk from her archive, here). 4 min read. Summer, 2017. Lois has not long met the man she will swear isn't the reason. They're on the Blue Bridge Ferry heading south,

Nadine Hura
Members Public

If we were logical, the future would be bleak

I felt like we needed some light relief this Wednesday - here's Lois, in a throwback from the archives :)