
Literature & Craft

Insights about writing: craft, ethics, tikanga and power dynamics in publishing: learned mostly through experience, personal study and mentoring with tuākana rather than formal training.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Too many Hāngī / Tangi stories: A critical review of a critical review (TEXT)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!!!!!!!!

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Too Many Hāngī / Tangi Stories: A critical review of a critical review (AUDIO ONLY)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!

Nadine Hura
Members Public

The Terrible Quietness

It's dangerous to speak up, but how much more dangerous is it not to?

Nadine Hura
Members Public

The only writing prompt you might ever need

I met a couple of kids on the banks of the Wairoa and we got talking.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Decolonising famous writerly advice with Anahera Gildea

Neil Gaiman says you can do whatever you like as long as you do it with enough assurance. Let's unpack that.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Journals keep us honest. Is that why we always want to burn them?

The best writing skill no-one told me about