
He Pao

A pao is a ditty, a short impromptu song or poem to inspire and entertain (it can also mean to stare vacantly). Every Wednesday, inspiration from my creative practice to support yours.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Leaving is always about finding

Wednesdays with Lois (Hat tip to Renee's WednesdayBusk - with a single recommended busk from her archive, here). 4 min read. Summer, 2017. Lois has not long met the man she will swear isn't the reason. They're on the Blue Bridge Ferry heading south,

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Speaking Back: Fight, flight, freeze

He koha (for paying subs)

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Too many Hāngī / Tangi stories: A critical review of a critical review (TEXT)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!!!!!!!!

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Too Many Hāngī / Tangi Stories: A critical review of a critical review (AUDIO ONLY)

In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Truth and story.

Midnight confessions continued

Nadine Hura
Members Public

The things that keep us up at night

A midnight confession