
He Pao

A pao is a ditty, a short impromptu song or poem to inspire and entertain (it can also mean to stare vacantly). Every Wednesday, inspiration from my creative practice to support yours.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

You gotta not doubt it

Writing is only one of the tasks of writing, the other is believing that you can and should and have something worthwhile to say.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Should you do a writing course? (and what if you can't)

I mean, if you can, amazing. But if you can't, here's some suggestions.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Writing hack to defeat the doubt (aka, write to an audience of one)

How do you stay engaged when the process isn't fun? How do you keep the faith when you feel like everything you write is shit?

Nadine Hura
Members Public

19 on the Mean Streets (a forgiveness poem)

Creative tip: write your journals in verse!!!

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Time to Write is Always Stolen

So get used to thieving

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Write the words when they show up or lose them forever

It reminds me that memories make up so much of who we are, but what if we don't get to choose what we retain?