

Things I'd write to you in a letter...

Nadine Hura
Members Public

It's better to write the feelings than to try and outrun them

From the separation diaries

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Parenting Through Separation

I look around the room and try to pick the leavers from the leavees but it’s impossible, everyone looks the same. Left/bereft - who can tell the difference?

Nadine Hura
Members Public

Feeling the fear and publishing anyway

A mihi + a pledge

Nadine Hura
Members Public

The Story Behind the Story: Whakamomori

It was like an awful, angry, bittersweet gallery of memories and stories. Never any preamble. Just a ricochet of disembodied words, unanswerable questions and occasionally a shard of poetry.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

The ones that got away

You never love a new place the same way you loved the old place. You must learn to love differently.

Nadine Hura
Members Public

In the grit

When your lawyer forbids you from writing poetry, lol