Post-script: Responding to the comments....
Our cohort of kaituhi Māori, from left Anne Waapu, Arihia Latham, Miriama Gemmell, Anahera Gildea, Me, Renee, Emma Wehipeihana, Ruby Solly, Emma Wehipeihana, Kirsty Dun, Cassandra Barnett (contributors not pictured Te Kahureremoa Taumata, Becky Manawatu, Annette Morehu, Ataria Sharman, Kahu Kutia, Michelle Rahurahu, Nicole Titihuia Hawkins, Anne-Marie Te Whiu, Sinead Overbye)

Post-script: Responding to the comments....

This is my wero and karanga back to you e te tuahine. What about that initial vision you talked to me about? Do you remember?

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