iti te kupu
small words in a vast universe
Make voting sexy again: Why so many don’t make an election choice
I remember my brother raising his bottle to congratulate me on the election of “my government” back in 2017. I said: 'it’s your government too,' but he shook his head and assured me it wasn’t.
From the Crow's Nest: Election 2023 Party Slogans compared through the lens of Titanic memes
Perhaps nothing is more useful to summarise the differences between the parties' climate policies than the slogans themselves. Let's take a look.
A layperson’s guide to climate change this election: A Titanic Allegory
First published on The Spinoff (with an option to listen to audio instead)
Poppin' off pānui #8: Zinefest this weekend, metaphors + Swoon-worthy election vows
I'll be at the Zinefest on Saturday with copies of Narrating the Seasons of Grief and a bunch of new zines. Hopefully see you there, 12-4pm!
Speaking Back: Fight, flight, freeze
He koha (for paying subs)
Too many Hāngī / Tangi stories: A critical review of a critical review (TEXT)
In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!!!!!!!!