iti te kupu
small words in a vast universe
Giving a shit
It's the first time I've felt my empathy turning into something solid and shameful.
The seasons keep turning
In my experience, grief always has the capacity to surprise you. In both beautiful and unbearable ways - sometimes at the same time.
You gotta not doubt it
Writing is only one of the tasks of writing, the other is believing that you can and should and have something worthwhile to say.
Should you do a writing course? (and what if you can't)
I mean, if you can, amazing. But if you can't, here's some suggestions.
"We kill our own with the weapons of the enemy" - The perilous role of the reviewer
We need better spaces and forums and Facebook isn't it.
Writing hack to defeat the doubt (aka, write to an audience of one)
How do you stay engaged when the process isn't fun? How do you keep the faith when you feel like everything you write is shit?