iti te kupu
small words in a vast universe
Too many Hāngī / Tangi stories: A critical review of a critical review (TEXT)
In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!!!!!!!!
Too Many Hāngī / Tangi Stories: A critical review of a critical review (AUDIO ONLY)
In which I call professional foul - My Most Explosive (and longest) Substack Yet!
We won't get change just by wishing for it
Rock solid election stools, how to tell who's telling the truth, and some whimsical illustrated musings on life with Nanux.
Dohnut let death overshadow life
Inside every grief story is a pun just waiting to be glazed (sound up!)
Zinefest coming to Tāmaki this weekend...
And other recommendations (please share yours also!)
The Art of starting over: reclaiming non-chronological fragments from the memory portal
(Plus lessons in noticing) A Live Zine